English class

Another stupid class. You start off the year, doing easy shit like a review or some shit, but by September or October, you're being forced to read some gayass book written in 1950 about some 11 year old faggot who got lost on an island or some shit. Most people don't give enough fucks to actually read the goddamn book, and use Spark Notes and Wikipedia to write their essay. You get more homework then in any other class. The average homework for a 7th-10th grader consists of reading some shit book, writing some shit essay, doing some shit worksheets or filling in shit answers on your Spelling book. Over all, this class sucks, the homework sucks and school sucks. And to make shit worse, there is ZERO FUCKING things to learn in English class.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to English class. Some of the top words include: Peruvian goats, opim101, Gaymey, Widney High, Obins, and 25 more.